Friday, February 21, 2014

Chickens dont like snow

 When the snow started I was leaving work. It takes me about 40 minutes to get home but on that day, it took two hours (and then I got stuck on my road !) As I walked up to the house I heard the chickens squawking! They were not happy about this weather! They wouldnt even leave the coop!
 The rooster has really blossomed ! He used to be small and ugly but now he's pretty handsome!
Above is our hen that the girls have named "Goose" shes an Americana and she lays green eggs.
I took them special treats during all this snowy weather. They wouldnt even go into the run and had the added bonus of the heat lamp on during the cold snap. 
Im sure they will be happy when our weather reaches 70- degrees in the upcoming week.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snow Day

 The girls and I had fun playing in the snow. (until the sleet and freezing rain started)
 We took care of the chickens, we played with dogs and made a snowman.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Lucky Snow

 Here in the South we dont get a lot of snow. In the past few days we have gotten about 10 inches! 
Lucky loved eating and playing in the snow!
 He's so cute, and getting so big!
 He's also chewing up everything in site! Like my new shoes, the base boards and more! 
Not sure Ill survive the puppy stage!
 He had a lot of fun in the snow with my girls.
(and the other dogs)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Do you want to build a snowman?

 last year I bought a snowman kit, complete with eyes, carrot nose, hat, scarf buttons and a pipe!
 We never got to use it. I guess pipes arent very popular these days but the Frosty that I remember, had a pipe! My late Uncle Melvin used to smoke a pipe so I didnt mind the pipe so much. (My kids thought it was cool)
 Finally this year, we got enough snow to make a snowman! He would have been larger but the snow was covered in ice and hard to make a snowman out of. In fact, it started sleeting again while we were making Olaf.

 I didnt realize my setting were off on the camera so Im sure they would have been a little better than this but you can still see that hes pretty cute.
 It was the day before Valentines Day when we got our second blast of snow. It started on the 12th in the afternoon and then we got more on the 13th. (bye bye spring break!)
 It was nice to make snow cream, and other goodies during our two day snow storm. 
As I type this its February 15th and alot of snow has melted alreay. Its very windy and within 7 days we should be in the 70s!

Smores French Toast

 I saw this recipe online and knew that I HAD to try it. I love Nutella, and I love marshmallows, and I love french toast! Putting them together is heaven!
 I did put a LITTLE syrup on top and it was so good!
 Almost as good as Peanut Butter French Toast :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

This is how we do French Toast

 Growing up, the only way my family ever ate french toast, was with peanut butter. 
Peanut butter on hot french toasts, melts just right and topped with syrup ... its amazing! 
Have you tried it? Do it, NOW!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spring Chickens

 The hens are working hard at providing tons of eggs now that we are having more and more daylight! Our youngest hen is laying now and as most first eggs, they are tiny but getting bigger with each egg. 

We are expecting a lot of snow and ice in the next few days so we have the heat lamp on again. Im excited about the large amount of snow we are expecting (we dont get a lot of snow here often) but after this, Ill certainly be ready for spring. 

(and my chickens will too)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rescuing Lucky Bear

 Lucky Bear isnt so little anymore. He is bigger than our Dachshunds!
 The Vet was surprised that he was 9.6 lbs at 8 weeks old! He is going to be a big boy!
 We Love him so much, but I.m not loving the fact that he chewed up my new shoes!
Remember when he was tiny?
Just 8 weeks ago? 


Sunday, February 9, 2014

DIY Linky Party with Repurposed Milk Bottles

                                          DIY Show Off

  Remember when I told you about my re purposed milk bottles? I linked THAT POST up with the DIY Linky party. There are so many great ideas on there, check it out!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Detoxing Sucks

Future Doctor and I have been drinking green smoothies for breakfast and lunch. We have a few protein or fruit snacks in between. When I get home, I dont mind so much about what I eat, but I dont over do it. (trying to make sure we have veggies at dinner!)

Quite frankly I feel terrible this week. I haven't really been hungry but Ive been nauseous, tired, achy and depressed.  I haven't given up on them I will get through this yucky phase. 

On a positive note: The chickens are laying more and I have around 50 eggs!  My work has been collecting items to send in the Valentines boxes for the Marines. That makes me happy :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Moday starts our Journey

This week my Future Doctor and I will begin our Green Smoothie journey. 
Ive done this before and felt so much better, but for whatever reason I went back to bad habits. 
Future Doctor has not been feeling well for awhile. She MIGHT have some gluten sensitivities. She wants to get healthier and stay away from most gluten and I want to get healthy and lose some weight. Upon taking note of what we eat on a daily basis I realized that we don't eat a lot of vegetables. I love vegetables but it all boils down to whats easier during a busy life. 
Our family eats mostly meat (venison that was killed this winter) and starch. (NOT GOOD) 
Green Smoothies are a way of consuming a lot of vegetables and fruits at one time. 
By drinking them, you can consume a lot more than you can if you eat them. 
I clipped the above photo/directions from online (sorry I don't now who to give credit to) 
but its a great way to share how to create a green smoothie. 
Basically I cue 1 cup of almond milk (unsweetened) 2 cups of greens and at least one but sometimes two fruits. Blend well in the blender and drink! The fruit takes away the flavor of the greens. We will consume a green smoothie in place of breakfast and lunch. Enjoy two protein snacks in between and have a sensible dinner. 
When doing this be prepared for the detoxing. 
The first week you can feel kind of yucky but eventually that goes away and you feel energized! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snow Cream

 My friends who grew up where it snows alot have never hear of snow cream!
Here we are, in the south and rarely get a good snow and we get all excited to make it!
(We are all about food!)
The recipe above was taken from another blog but thats how I make it, so Im sharing it!
Check out her blog too! 

Let me know if you make yours a different way!
My dad made it differently when we grew up. He always used flour,egg, sugar, vanilla and a little salt. He cooked it like a custard and then cooled it down. I love it that way too! 
Ive heard of people putting Kool Aid over snow and maple syrup!