Life has thrown so many curve balls in the past few years.
In the last few weeks I started thinking about the blog I once had. I thought about my readers, and the friends I made. I thought about all the blogs I used to read and wondered what ever happened to this person and that person. Then, I thought maybe I should blog again.
Today I looked up my account and quite honestly Id forgotten about this blog.... Coffee and Connoli!!
Crazy that its been one year almost to the day since I posted and blogging just came to mind once again, so here I am!
Change is something Ive always hated, Then, I started to crave it. Now Ive had so much of it I want it to stop! Life, killing me slowly one day at a time (pun intended) None of us are getting out of this life (as we know it) alive, so.... lets start living.
YARN ART for kids
1 day ago