I really dont think Ive ever taken being a mommy for granted. I have always wanted to be a mother of four and fell madly in love with each baby I birthed. I am a person who loved seeing the messy hand prints on the windows. I loved every sloppy kiss, every home made card, and each puddle in the bathroom left from splashing children. I always told myself I knew Id miss it one day so I tried hard to enjoy every moment.
Of course I had my moments of frustration when they got older and started to fight with each other. The teenage years were no pic nic but I loved watching each of them grow and develop into beautiful people.
Now my oldest is married, hes a Marine and I rarely see or hear from him. Hes busy training most of the time. My heart physically aches when I miss him so.
My oldest daughter moved away but moved back home after a semester of college. I was happy to have her home but we rarely see her. She is supposed to live her but I think only her belongings live here. (LOL) We do work at the same place, and if it weren't for that, I wouldn't see her often at all.
As I watch the calendar I am counting down the days until my middle daughter begins her senior year of high school. My heart aches again when i think of how little I will see her in the near future. Im so proud of her though. She works and isnt afraid to be her own person. She makes very adult decisions and is working hard at getting to her goal of going to college.
My baby girl is growing so fast too. Very often these days its just she and I around the house and I love seeing her pretty face and how shes growing up and turning into a young woman. She loves to talk and I love to listen. I dont want to take this time with her for granted for it will be gone in the blink of an eye.
I miss the days that they were babies. I miss taking photos of their every move. I miss setting them up and taking photos of them for Christmas cards. (one year I dressed Baby girl as Baby Jesus, My son as Joseph and my oldest girl as Mary and the middle daughter was an angel)
I know Ill always be a mother but I miss the "mommy" days. I miss time spent together as a family.
Where has the time gone?
YARN ART for kids
1 day ago
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